NCQA Provider Recognition – Diabetes
We are pleased to announce that the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) has recognized Pacific Medical Centers for consistently providing a high level of diabetes care for our patients. To achieve this, PacMed submitted patient data to be audited against established criteria in 10 categories, such as HbA1c cholesterol and blood pressure control. While a passing score is 75 out of 100 points, PacMed scored a near-perfect 95 points.
The American Diabetes Association and NCQA have also recognized over 30 individual physicians at Pacific Medical Centers for providing excellent diabetes care. These physicians are in the Diabetes Physician Recognition Program (DPRP) and are a part of an elite group of physicians that is publicly recognized for their skill in providing the highest-level diabetes care.
The DPRP was developed to help physicians use evidence-based measures and provide excellent care to patients with diabetes. Recognized physicians take the steps needed to ensure high-quality care by identifying patients already receiving the care according to the standards and by going the extra mile to identify patients who would benefit from aliitional interventions.
The following physicians at Pacific Medical Centers were recognized for providing excellent care: