PacMed AdvantAge Services
At PacMed AdvantAge Health Centers, Our exceptional doctors and nurses provide the full range of primary care services for older adults, including:
- Screenings, checkups and reminders
- Preventive and wellness care
- Managing and treating chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure, arthritis, heart disease and diabetes
- Diagnosing and treating new health concerns
- Convenient telehealth visit options
- Geriatric care
- Women’s health care
- Assistance with aging in place
- Medication management
- On-site lab and pharmacy
- Specialists onsite & referrals as needed.
- Personalized, compassionate care
- Coordination for all aspects of your health needs
Patients age 62+ can join PacMed Advantage for primary care designed especially for older adults. Find your nearest PacMed Advantage Health Center.