PacMed clinics put health and safety first

PacMed TeamNew protocols. Same promise.

Our new normal still puts your health and safety first

While living through a pandemic is new to us all, we remain wholly committed to your care and safety. We’ve put the following steps in place to protect your health, and ours.

eCheck-in from anywhere. Confirm your appointment up to four days in advance on MyChart to reduce time at the front desk.

Screening. We’ll take your temperature at the door and check for symptoms.

COVID-19 Testing. Patients with symptoms are diverted away from waiting areas to be tested, or are seen at Northgate or Renton drive-thrus.

Visitors. We limit the number of people inside and ask nonessential guests to wait outside.

Masking. Everyone must wear a mask at all times. Bring one from home, or we have one for you.

Distancing. Marks on the floor remind you to keep a safe distance from others.

Sanitizing. We’re rigorously wiping down high-touch areas and surfaces. Hand sanitizer stations are located throughout.

Specialties. Close-contact departments are taking extra precautions, like physical therapy and ear/nose/throat.

Virtual Visits. Routine online appointments add more breathing room in our clinics. Learn more and ask us how to get care from the comfort of home:

Thank you for working with us as we create a new normal that’s safe for everyone.

Call us with questions at 1.888.472.2633 or schedule at